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Monday, April 9, 2012

Re-assessing Priorities

At the beginning of this year, Tibs and I felt we are finally ready to get pregnant again. I never thought that day would come but we just woke up one day and felt that sense of readiness. Yes, its true that really happens sometimes. It was funny at first because last year, each time we'd bring up the topic of having another baby, Maia would blatantly refuse to move forward and would insist she doesn't need a sibling. So we didn't consider. But it started unfolding towards the end of 2011, when Maia would often yearn for company and would seek her village friends and cousins. Maybe that tickled our subconscious and started us rethinking but I guess what matters to us really is that we felt that readiness that we initially thought would never come.

So timely was this plan to get pregnant again because my yearly visits to my doctors were coming up and I had the perfect opportunity to get everyone's blessing before we really consider making this a part of this year's plans. My OB was the first to give her blessings. She actually wanted us to work double time since she doesn't want me getting pregnant past 35 considering my medical history. She wanted to avoid age-related complications and risks. Next came my surgeon and yes she agreed with my OB-Gyne. She agrees, I'm still in perfect shape and should really try to have another baby. Then everyone else gave their go - Cardio, Neuro. It was happy news for us. 

And so we begin. Wish us luck!

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