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Friday, March 1, 2013

Making Lists

No, I'm not too eager for Christmas. (although, it's definitely one of my most awaited time of the year now)

I didn't list down any resolution/s for this year. Well, I never ever made lists in the past either. I once believed that I had the sharpest memory and I can easily recall the things that I would want to change or improve on during the year. But yes, my sharp memory would almost always fail me before the first quarter of the year ends and I will end of up forgetting whatever it was that I resolved to improve in the beginning of the year. 

Last year, through the help of this blog, I was partly able to document my improvements. I didn't make a list but I kept track of how my BETTER ME project was doing for like two quarters. On the second half of the year, I started training for my first marathon and that BETTER ME project just fell through the cracks. I would like to think though that somehow I did end 2012 with a BETTER version of my 2011 self. 

This year, my primary goal is to declutter and find my focus. And I thought that best way to do that was to finally start a list. I started my list yesterday on the first day of March. I was two months behind but I'm just glad I picked up a pen and finally made my first list. 

My week as a working mom is only broken in two - the workweek and the weekend. During the workweek (transalated into: MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS), most of my time is spent on my job. I put on the career woman hat. And during the weekends, that's when I shift into being the domestic diva that I once dreamed I would be. It's just two days but I always want to make the most of it. So my list for this year is going to zero in on that. I am breaking down that list into:
  • Saturdays with Maia (list down one or two activities/projects for the weekend)
  • House Project (list down one home project that I'd like to accomplish every weekend)
  • Recipe - list a new recipe as I plan to cook something new every weekend for the family
  • Sundays Catch up with Family and Friends (list down a place to visit - be it a restaurant, a shop, a family spot like a picnic ground or a playground or a zoo)
  • Blog night - list down one or two topics that I would want to write about (even those sitting in my drafts so I can finally bring that down to a minimum of 10. Currently I have more than 50 posts in my drafts folder waiting to be completed)

My biggest weakness is always Ningas-kugon (sorry I don't know the English term for this). I'm fervently hoping I can finally break that habit and keep this list going the whole year round. Wish me luck okay?

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