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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Beating My 5k and 10k PRs In One Day

"E sarili mo lang pala kalaban mo eh"

That was what my husband told me last night after finishing our 12k training run at the Ayala Triangle. I left him eating my dust on the 3k mark and went to finish our distance goal for last night 10mins ahead of him. 

I literally felt like I was flying instead of running during the first 30mins that I ran last night. The route was very flat when compared to the terrain that we would pound on during our weekend runs (along Daang Hari and in our hilly subdivision) so I guess that contributed so much to my speed improvement. I've also been squeezing in some Fartlek training during my weekday runs and it seems to be working well for me. My phone GPS calculated me to be running an average of 5.40mins/kilometer on that first 30mins. When I checked my phone when I was about to cross the 5k mark, it appeared I ran my fastest 5k last night. And when I was done after an hour and saw that I registered 10.42km in 1:03:20, I was just so ecstatic. I felt really proud of myself. Even with a faulty GPS tracker (I was using Runkeeper) I can tell by the pace that I was running that it definitely was my fastest so far. 

Faulty tracker or not, this definitely raised my confidence level  5x over!
After that training run last night, I am now confident that I could finish my first half marathon with lesser injury (not like my first 16k where a toenail died and my knees were so painful I can barely walk a day after the race). I'd probably still be begging to rest a day after the race but I'm sure I won't have any trouble recovering from the run itself. (Talk of being optimistic eh. I'm currently overflowing with positivism I hope it rubs on everyone!)

Happy, happy Friday! 
Next week I'll do 12 laps in here and I will be fine. :)

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