I myself was never fond of eating hotdogs. It was probably because the hotdogs that were served to me as a child were always wrinkly and a oily (they would soak up the paper towels when drained). And they never looked appetizing. My folks had always cooked hotdogs by frying them in oil. But I thought there must be a better way of doing it. So I experimented and eventually got the perfect juicy hotdog even with just a pan as my cooking tool [I was of course comparing it to perfectly done hotdogs in Purefoods'stalls where a hotdog griller (is that even the correct term?) is used]. So how did I do it?
Simple. I used water (about 1/4 cup poured it directly unto the pan with semi-frozen hotdogs already in it) to cook the hotdogs instead of oil. And to lock in (talaga!) the juiciness, I'd add in a teeny tiny bit of butter (like about 1/8 of a teaspoon for 6 hotdogs) when the water is about to fully evaporate and this is what I get.
my point and shoot just wouldn't cooperate with me so i apologize for the blurry shot but see? no wrinkles! |
What are you having for breakfast today?
Hey, I just did this. Thanks for the tip.